For the last two weeks of February 8 art students took part in a yearly seminar held by the Icelandic Art Academy, the Dieter Roth Academy, the Technical museum and Skaftfell in Sey?isfj?r?ur, East – Iceland. The exhibition Hand Traffic In The Box is the conclusion of the students work with the town??s workshops and craftsmen, inspired by the atmosphere of the fjord and it´s inhabitants.

S?lveg- Mother of 2 and loves reindeers
T?ti- thinks he is hot shit because he was once in a newspaper
Loji- is a snow monkey
Katrin- is (always) from Germany
Selma- is pregnant and funny
Ragga- cuts up books
Claus- eats lucky charms as desert
Sigga- Dances all the time

The exhibition is open Wednesday to Thursday from 13:00 – 17:00 and Friday to Sunday from 12:00 -?22:00.

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