For the last two weeks of February 8 art students took part in a yearly seminar held by the Icelandic Art Academy, the Dieter Roth Academy, the Technical museum and Skaftfell in Sey?isfj?r?ur, East Iceland. The exhibition Hand Traffic In The Box is the conclusion of the students work with the town??s workshops and craftsmen, inspired by the atmosphere of the fjord and it´s inhabitants.
S?lveg- Mother of 2 and loves reindeers
T?ti- thinks he is hot shit because he was once in a newspaper
Loji- is a snow monkey
Katrin- is (always) from Germany
Selma- is pregnant and funny
Ragga- cuts up books
Claus- eats lucky charms as desert
Sigga- Dances all the time
The exhibition is open Wednesday to Thursday from 13:00 – 17:00 and Friday to Sunday from 12:00 -?22:00.