Rafmagns Músik & listamannaspjall #6


Raftónlistarteymið Auxpan, Helgi Örn, Konrad Korabiewski & Litten koma fram í Skaftfelli laugardaginn 13. ágúst kl 16.00

Listamannaspjall #4

Sunnudaginn 14. ágúst kl 15.00 munu gestalistamenn ágústmánaðar halda listamannaspjall í Skaftfelli þar sem þeir sýna myndir af verkum og segja frá vinnuaðferðum sínum. Listamennirnir sem sýna og segja frá eru Barbara Amalie Skovmand Thomsen frá Danmörku, Julia Martin frá Þýskalandi, Nina Frgic frá Króatíu og Noële Ody frá Þýskalandi.

Allir hjartanlega velkomnir á báða viðburði – enginn aðgangseyrir
Hér að neðan má lesa texta um gestalistamennina á ensku

Barbara Amalie Skovmand Thomsen born in Denmark 1980.
Studied at the Danish Design School, Copenhagen DK: BA textile/ digital design
Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam NL: BA audiovisual
Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam NL: MA fine arts

Barbara makes installations and works with video, film, photography and
sculpture…above all the atmosphere is important, the atmosphere is
her medium. A common manoeuvre in her practice is to crystallize and
amplify a substance, and fuse it with something else. She has a
spectrum of reoccurring substances such as jelly, salt, sugar, honey,
glue and blue tones of light. Another element is the presence of
movement, directly as in the notion of a vibrating world (which is the
case in several of her projects inhabited by shaky jelly mountains).
Usually it’s all about love – presence and togetherness, in relation
to nature and you and me.

Julia Martin born 1976, lives and works in Berlin, Germany.
Dipl.-Ing. Landscape Architecture, Technical University Berlin, Germany; Master of Fine Art, Edinburgh College of Art, Scotland; PhD in Art Practice candidate, Goldsmiths College, London, UK.

Julia’s practice includes video, performance, installation, collage and writing. In current projects she is exploring the possibilities and problems of ecocritical art today, testing concepts of a renewed understanding of (political) ecology through the hyperextension of objects. Hyperextension constitutes for her a process of investigative and personal engagement with an object of interest and concern, and with its wanted and unwanted ecological, social, material and political agencies. It is a process that aims to make the internal contradictions and ambiguities within objects experiential and non-linear – contradictions hidden and revealed by the ideologies and concerns we have about objects, and by the imagination and observation of their assumed and actual agencies, their means and ends. Hyperextension complicates, overstretches, dissolves, reconfigures, and perhaps ecologizes both objects and subjects, highlighting the possibility and necessity of constant negotiation, effect/affect, and decision making in a political ecology.
While in Iceland, Julia is working on the hyperextension of the Kárahnjúkar dam, its attached infrastructures, the project history and its current (eco)political effects, using various research and documentary methods, and responding through context- and site-specific performative actions.

Nina Frgic

Noële Ody born in Starnberg, Germany in 1982.
Study at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna since 2005 (Manfred Pernice/ Heimo Zobernig). She works with objects, sculpture and installation.

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