Skaftfell is thrilled to welcome ??rir Freyr H?skuldsson and Fj?la Gautad?ttir artists in residence for the month of February.
Fj?la is an Icelandic performer, sound designer, writer and DJ. They have a background both in classical dance and music and finished a BA in Dance and Choreography from HZT Berlin in 2019 and have since been working actively as a Sound Designer in the Berlin dance and performance scene.
??rir is a visual/sound artist with a Bachelors degree from the ArtScience Interfaculty in the Royal Academy of Art, Den Haag. His works often take the shape of performative installations where he mixes sound, visual images and the spoken word together. He founded, among others, the radio station ?tvarp S??arvogur.
At Skaftfell they will work on a radio play set in the future, centered around a father and daughter practicing a magic show while living in a struggling desert community. Following the tradition of a community based radio in Sey?isfj?r?ur, the plan is to host a weekly radio panel including snippets of the work, reflections on the radio as a medium, with input from guests, both local and through the radio waves.