Secret Garden Ver?nd


The project SECRET GARDEN VERÖND was initiated in 2012 by visual artist Suzanna Asp in collaboration with Skaftfell, and starts off from the actual site of the house and garden at Hóll in Seyðisfjörður. The project builds on queer feminist and post-colonial theory and asks questions about relationships between text, body and place. Who is given a place, where is place given and how can a place be altered.

Hóll, built in the early 20th century, is the former studio house of the Icelandic artist Birgir Andrésson and is now part of the Artist-in-residence program at Skaftfell – Center for Visual Art. Next to the house a site-specific permanent installation is constructed. The installation takes the form of an outdoor stage and creates an extension of the house next to the river. The stage will be used for public events, performances, readings, as well as for private contemplation and gardening.

As part of the project the publication SECRET GARDEN VERÖND is published. The publication is an Artist’s Book edited by Suzanna Asp and it presents the project through text and photographs. The publication brings together poems and essays by artists and poets on the theme of text, body, and place.


For further information about the project:önd


Suzanna Asp (b. 1976 in Sweden) graduated with a Master of Fine Arts degree from the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki, in 2009. She works with site-specific interventions, painting installations, performance and text. She has held a number of solo exhibitions, most recent; Given, 1.Opening, 2. Closure at Forum Box, Helsinki (2012) and Play in Three Acts at Wip:Konsthall, Stockholm (2011). Group exhibitions
include; Artistic Research at Konstfack, Stockholm (2013), Dimensions of Sharing at Overgaden Institute of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen (2013), Rummaging at Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm (2009), Lost in Translation at Antrepo #5, 9th Istanbul Biennial (2005).


The project is supported by Konstnärsnämnden – The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Nordic Culture Point, Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme and Svensk-Isländska samarbetsfonden.


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