I look down over my tummy and feel

West Wall Gallery  Friday the 23rd of March – the 5th of April, 2012

Work by Judy-Ann Moule, currently artist in residency at Hóll, Skaftfell Center for Visual Art

This work integrates texture with photography to examine body and memory as a sense memory. Braille pages, suspended across the gallery space, bare the imprint of a downward glance. Their horizontal orientation invites the viewer to engage with the work by looking upwards. An oval is cut from a glove shaped form attached to the wall.

Judy-Ann is a visual artist from Brisbane, Australia.

She is currently completing a Master of Arts (research) at Queensland University of Technology. Her project, which is currently under examination, the silence of objects: forming the unsayable explores phenomenological experience and memory of trauma through object-based artwork.

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