

Piotr KoBakowski  Last Drawings

West Wall gallery, Skaftfell Bistro, September 26  November 29, 2020. My heart’s in the Highlands My heart is not here The eight lithographs in this exhibition were created in summer 2020 at the graphic workshop of the Technical Museum…


S?ningarsalur Skaftfells, 26. september  20. desember 2020. Opnunartimar: M?n – f?s, kl. 12-18. Lau – sun, kl. 15 – 18. S?ningarstj?ri: Guja D?gg Hauksd?ttir, R??gjafi: Gavin Morrison Opnun: 26. september 2020, kl. 14:00 – 18:00. L?ttar veitingar og stuttar…


Skaftfell gallery, September 26  December 20, 2020. Opening times: Mon – Fri, 12:00 – 18:00. Sat – Sun 15:00 – 18:00. Curator: Guja D?gg Hauksd?ttir,?Advisor: Gavin Morrison Opening reception: September 26, 2020, 14:00 – 18:00. Light refreshments and short…

Quarantine drawings

West Wall gallery, Skaftfell Bistro, June 17 – July 1, 2020. For many years visitors to the Skaftfell bistro have been invited to make drawings and writings on stacks of A4 paper, and leave them in the bistro. Once a…