


17.01.-01.03. 2020 S?ningin er afrakstur prentvinnustofu sem h?fst? 6. jan?ar 2020 og er haldin af Listah?sk?la ?slands ? samvinnu me? Skaftfelli, FOSS editions og T?kniminjasafni Austurlands. Vinnustofan fer fram ? Sey?isfir?i og eru ??tttakendur 14 nemendur ?r ?msum deildum innan…


?The exhibition is a result from a printmaking workshop held by the? Iceland University of The Arts in Sey?isfj?r?ur, East Fjords of Iceland, in collaboration with Skaftfell Center for Visual Art, FOSS editions and the Technical Museum of East Iceland…

?slensk al???ulist

Ellefta listfr??sluverkefni Skaftfells nefndist ?slensk al???ulist og var hluti af List fyrir alla og BRAS 2019. Fengin var Gu?r?n Hr?nn Ragnarsd?ttir, myndlistarkona og listkennari, til a? ?r?a, hanna og kenna verkefni?. A?standendur Safnasafns veittu Gu?r?nu b??i a?gang a? uppl?singum og…

Ingirafn Steinarsson  H?lmi / Elevation

New exhibition in the West Wall gallery in Skaftfell’s Bistro. Open daily from 15:00. “The drawings bear a?reference?to the?attempts of?humans?to understand and explain their experiences, and to the resulting knowledge systems.?Frozen moments of “Eureka”, divine experience, epistemic explosion, the effects?of…