
Artist talks #11

Wednesday 24th of April at 14:00 in the Norðurgata Residency The current artists in residence; Joey Syta, Andrius Mulokas and Liam Scully and Skaftfell invites for an informal artist talk at…

Sequences VI – Off Venue

Program Saturday, April 13 Sunday, April 14 16.00-19.00 Liam Scully (UK) HÓLLISTIC THERAPY Hóll residency 15.00-22.00 Inga Jautakyte (LT) SLEEPING BEAUTY Skaftfell, main gallery 17.00-19.00 Joey Syta (US) ABOUT The…


Sequences VI – Off Venue Saturday April 13, at?18:00-21:00 The Nor?urgata residency In a three hour performative installation for Sequences, Andrius Mulokas will be proposing ways to push and support…


Sequences VI – Off Venue Saturday April 13,  17.00-19.00 The Bookshop – projectspace In keeping with Sequences’s theme, Joey Syta presents “About”, a work that focuses on how time and…


Sequences VI – Off Venue Sunday April  13,  15.00-22.00 17.00-22.00 Exhibition space In the performance Sleeping beauty by Inga Jautakyte, the audience is invited to re-look into the action of…


Sequences VI – Off Venue Saturday April 13,  16.00-19.00 Hóll – the Birgir Andrésson Residency For Sequences Liam Scully (UK) will be presenting his film entitled Quake. The film is…

Skaftfell receives a reward

Skaftfell won the Eyrarrós award 2013 for outstanding cultural achievement in non-urban areas in Iceland. We are proud and very thankful for all the attentions. Here is a link to…

Relay – the word passed on

The Icelandic Art Center invited Skaftfell to contribute to a new monthly column, Relay – the word passed on. Relay – the word passed on presents Skaftfell from Icelandic Art…


Each year third year students from the fine art department at the Icelandic Art Academy participate in a two week workshop in Sey?isfj?r?ur. The workshop is a collaboration between the…