
D?ett  Sonnettusveigur

B?kin D?ett kom ?t fyrir t?pu ?ri og er samstarfsverkefni hj?nanna L?u, ?lafar Bjarkar Bragad?ttur, og Sigur?ar Ing?lfssonar. H?n m?lar myndirnar og hann yrkir lj??in. Myndirnar eru unnar me? blanda?ri…

No more

The Bookshop – Projectspace 18.04- 18.05.2009

Ekki meir

Veggspj?ld eftir Svara P?tur Eysteinsson, graf?skan h?nnu? og t?nlistarmann me? meiru, ver?a til s?nis ? B?kab??inni  vinnur?mi Skaftfells 18. apr?l  18. ma?. S?ningin samanstendur af sex veggspj?ldum sem…


The Thirteenth Day exhibition at Skaftfell Art Center is a presentation of work created, both collaboratively and individually, by Jessica Langley and Ben Kinsley during their extended stay in Iceland.…


Nikolas Grabar comes from Slovenia. He is a self-thought amateur landscape photographer ?on a steep learning curve, mostly through trial & error. “One of the main reasons for coming to…

700.is Hreind?raland 2009

The experimental film/video festival will be realised for the fourth time in Egilssta?ir 21st – 28th of March. The setup of year 2009 is different from earlier as the emphasis…


Kippuhringur is an exhibition by six students of the Icelandic Academy of the Arts and two guest students from the Valand Art Academy in Sweden. The students spend two weeks…