Sequences VI – Off Venue Saturday April 13,  17.00-19.00 The Bookshop – projectspace In keeping with Sequences’s theme, Joey Syta presents “About”, a work that focuses on how time and…


Sequences VI – Off Venue Sunday April  13,  15.00-22.00 17.00-22.00 Exhibition space In the performance Sleeping beauty by Inga Jautakyte, the audience is invited to re-look into the action of…


Sequences VI – Off Venue Saturday April 13,  16.00-19.00 Hóll – the Birgir Andrésson Residency For Sequences Liam Scully (UK) will be presenting his film entitled Quake. The film is…

Skaftfell receives a reward

Skaftfell won the Eyrarrós award 2013 for outstanding cultural achievement in non-urban areas in Iceland. We are proud and very thankful for all the attentions. Here is a link to…

Relay – the word passed on

The Icelandic Art Center invited Skaftfell to contribute to a new monthly column, Relay – the word passed on. Relay – the word passed on presents Skaftfell from Icelandic Art…


Each year third year students from the fine art department at the Icelandic Art Academy participate in a two week workshop in Sey?isfj?r?ur. The workshop is a collaboration between the…

Open Studio: Livia Salome Gnos & Stephan Perrinjaquet

Swiss artists Livia Salome Gnos and Stephan Perrinjaquet have stayed in the Nordurgata residency since December 2012. They will conclude the residency with an open studio on Saturday January 5,…