Cheryl Donegan & Dieter Roth

Opening: June 17, 2019, Skaftfell galleryOpen from 17 June – 1 September, 2019 The exhibition?Cheryl Donegan & Dieter Roth considers Dieter Roth as an artist and publisher of books alongside…

Dieter Roth, H?sin ? Sey?isfir?i, vetur 1988 – sumar 1995

Opening 17 June, 17:00-19:00. Angr?, Hafnargata, Sey?isf?r?ur18.06 – 01.09. 2019Exhibition open Friday – Sunday 12:00-18:00 Skaftfell with T?kniminjasafns Austurlands and the Dieter Roth Estate will collaborate to re-stage the installation…

Alessa Brossmer / Morten Modin

Alessa Brossmer (DE) and Morten Modin (DK) are holding a pop-up exhibition in Her?ubrei?’s cinema on Friday May 24, 16:00-18:30. They will present the outcomes of their 2-month residencies at…

Alessa Brossmer / Morten Modin

Alessa Brossmer (DE) og Morten Modin (DK) ver?a me? pop-up s?ningu ? Her?ubrei? f?studaginn 24. ma?, kl. 16:00-18:30, ?ar sem ?au munu s?na afrakstur eftir tveggja m?na?a dv?l ? gestavinnustofu…

Alessa Brossmer  Glow In The Dark

Skaftfell’s current artist in residence Alessa Brossmer (DE) opens her in-house installation GlowInTheDark on April 16, 21:00 – 23:00 in Nielsenh?s, Hafnargata 14. There will be hot drinks and conversations…

Alessa Brossmer  Glow In The Dark

??ska listakonan Alessa Brossmer er gestalistakona Skaftfells ? apr?l og ma?. ?ri?judaginn 16. apr?l kl. 21:00-23:00 opnar h?n h?si? og vinnustofu s?n, ? Nielsenh?s (Hafnargata 14). Verki? GlowInTheDark ver?ur til s?nis…

Safnarar / 06. apr?l – 02. j?ni 2019

S?ningarsalur Skaftfells, 7. apr?l – 2. j?n?, 2019 S?ning ? undursamlega ?venjulegum og fj?lbreyttum s?fnum fengin a? l?ni fr? ?b?um Sey?isfjar?ar og n?rliggjandi sv??um. Opnun 6. apr?l, kl. 16:00-18:00. Allir…

?se Eg J?rgensen  Kompendium?

West Wall Gallery, Skaftfell Bistro, March 27 to June 12, 2019.? ?se Eg J?rgensen (b. 1958) is a danish?artist and graphic designer based in Copenhagen. She has been co-editor of…