Past exhibitions


Friday  Sunday, 27- 29th. of March, at the Bookshop  Projectspace. The exhibition?PRESENTATION?shows the result of the artists two months residency in Sey?isfj?r?ur. Welcome at the opening Friday the…

Call for artists for a shared residency

Due to cancellation the Skaftfell Residency Program now has an opening this coming April and May for artists to apply and come with short notice ! The residency available is…

Digital Craftsmanship

In September of 2014 the educational project Digital Craftsmanship was launched. The project emphasizes the union of creativity and sustainability and is designed for fifth, sixth and seventh graders in…

No time to look through the mountains?

The Bookshop – Projectspace March 7-8, at 18:30 – 20:30 No time to look through the mountains? is a site-specific project by Effrosyni Kontogeorgou (GR) developed especially for the Bookshop…


Premier screening of the new film work SUM by Cai Ulrich von Platen. Sunday March 1, at 16:00 in Herðubreið cinema. About the film: We enter a small intimate office-space…

Listamannaspjall #21

Fimmtudaginn 12. febr?ar kl. 17:00 ? Skaftfell Bistr?. Danski listama?urinn Cai Ulrich von Platen, gr?ski listama?urinn Effrosyni Kontogeorgou – b?settur ? Berl?n, og breski rith?fundurinn Helen Jukes kynna verk s?n…

Artist talk #20

Meet and hear the current artists in residence at Skaftfell Jessica Auer (CA) and the artist duo GIDEONSSON/LONDR? (SE) present their work on Tuesday January the 20th. at 17:00. The…