Events and activities

Alessa Brossmer / Morten Modin

Alessa Brossmer (DE) og Morten Modin (DK) ver?a me? pop-up s?ningu ? Her?ubrei? f?studaginn 24. ma?, kl. 16:00-18:30, ?ar sem ?au munu s?na afrakstur eftir tveggja m?na?a dv?l ? gestavinnustofu…

Alessa Brossmer  Glow In The Dark

Skaftfell’s current artist in residence Alessa Brossmer (DE) opens her in-house installation GlowInTheDark on April 16, 21:00 – 23:00 in Nielsenh?s, Hafnargata 14. There will be hot drinks and conversations…

Alessa Brossmer  Glow In The Dark

??ska listakonan Alessa Brossmer er gestalistakona Skaftfells ? apr?l og ma?. ?ri?judaginn 16. apr?l kl. 21:00-23:00 opnar h?n h?si? og vinnustofu s?n, ? Nielsenh?s (Hafnargata 14). Verki? GlowInTheDark ver?ur til s?nis…

Printing Matter  Exhibition #4

Saturday March 23, 16:00 – 18:00, Technical Museum of East Iceland, Sey?isfj?r?ur.? Amy Uyeda (CA), Apolline Fjara (FR), Eva Bjarnad?ttir (IS), Labhaoise Ni Shuilleabhain (IE), Mary Buckland (CA), Olga Adele…

Sidsel Carr?: ?ndedr?ttet  The Breath

Thursday March 21, 19:00 – 22:00, Her?ubrei? caf?/gallery Sidsel Carr? (DK) will show new paintings and works in progress, which have been developing during her residency at Skaftfell in February…

Sidsel Carr?: ?ndedr?ttet  Andardr?tturinn

Fimmtudaginn 21. mars, kl. 19:00 – 22:00, kaffish?si?/galler? ? Her?ubrei? Sidsel Carr? (DK) mun s?na n? m?lverk og verk ? vinnslu sem h?n hefur unni? a? vi? vinnustofudv?l s?na ?…

Artist talk by Marta Hryniuk & WET screening

Thursday, March 21, 20:00 – 22:00, Her?ubrei? cinema The program is organised by Marta Hryniuk, current artist in residence at Skaftfell, in collaboration with WET a Rotterdam-based cooperative for video…

Creative Reading with Odysseus Atlas

February 25, 2019, 19:30  21:00, Her?ubrei? caf?. Join us for an introduction into creative reading with the artist duo Jkra Bardauskait (LT) and Kstutis Montvidas (LT), who are collaborating…

Lisa M. Stybor  Flow of time

Lisa M. Stybor (DE), with L?sa Le?nhar?sd?ttir (IS) / Anna Raabe (DE) / Max Richter (DE) ? Open Studio on February 22, 2019, 17:00  20:00, Skaftfell 3rd floor, Austurvegur…