Events and activities

Artists talk #16

Friday the 4th of April at 14:00 Newly arrived artists in residence Karlotta Bl?ndal (IS) and Jens Strandberg (SE) will give a short introduction to their work. All welcome !…

Artists talk #15

Current artists-in-residence at Skaftfell; Simona Koch and J. Pasila will give a short introduction to their work. This will be the fifteenth time artists-in-resicence give an public introduction to their…

23:58 – Just a little time

Marie decided to take one year of her time to spent it in Iceland. Time to share with people while exploring an unknown world. Time is money. Time is precious.…


Veldi is a group exhibition by graduating students from the fine art department at the Iceland Academy of the Arts. The exhibition forms the conclusion of a two week long…

Roots of the past

the West Wall Thursday May 15, at 14.00 Students from grade 3.-6. Seydisfjordur primary school illustrate Icelandic folk tale. Supervised by Þorkell Helgason. The event is a part of the…

Forgotten folk tale

Bistró Skaftfell Thursday May 15, at 14.00  Shadow theatre by pupils from the kindergarten Sólvellir that came to life from stories told by elderly patients in the Seydisfjordur hospital. Supervised…

Twin City: February 7-15, 2014

Skaftfell recommends Twin City a public art show that opens this Friday. The show combines temporarily two locations, Seydisfjördur and Melbu in Norway that are separated by 1500 km sea.…

Open studio at Skaftfell

Jens Reichert (DE) invites into his studio: Thursday January 23rd from 16:00 – 20:00 Skaftfell residency, Austurvegur 42, top floor Jens has been in residence at Skaftfell for December and…

Everything is in Everything

Art Class theme week collaboration Everything is in Everything between Skaftfell and Sey?isfjar?arsk?li will conclude this friday with a student exhibition at the old school building from 12.30-14.00. All students…