Events and activities


Saturday October 12, 2013. With this tool, I try to explore the landscape nature in a more filmic and painterly narrative way. From 14:00-17:00, visual artist Björn Olsson (SE) will…

Radiotelegraph – 107.1 FM

Radiotelegraph is a beacon simulcast by a private low-watt transmitter in Seyðisfjörður (around 107.1 FM) and by the experimental radio platform Radius in Chicago (88.9 FM) at sundown Seyðisfjörður time,…

Poetry reading

Icelandic poet Sveinn Snorri Sveinsson will read from his newly published book ” The leafs on the raintree”. The reading will take place in the Bistro in Icelandic after Tapas…

RIFF selection 2013

Skaftfell, in collaboration with the Cultural Center of Fljódalshérað, will host an off-venue for Reykjavík International Film Festival in Seyðisfjörður November 11 and 12. Four documentaries will be screened in…

Artist Talk #14

Skaftfell is currently hosting five Artists-in-Recidence: Anna Friz from Canada, Åse Eg from Denmark, Björn Olsson, Helena Wikström and Gerd Aurell from Sweden. This coming Friday, Sept. 20, they will present their work and subject matter in an…

They come out at Night

Students from the visual art class in Seyðisfjörður elementary school, grade 7 – 10, will present projects with a focus on light and darkness.


“Entrance” by previous artist-in-residence Anna Anders will be screened on during the weekend November 15-17. The video was recorded in Seyðisfjörður June 2012 and many locals participated in the making.…


13.09.13-17.09.13 Bookshop-projectspace The work Found by Paula Prats is a series of snapshots from the 60’s found in a Canadian flea market with images taken by her today, each pair…

Fancy-Cake in the Sun

September 7, 2013 – February 16, 2014 Main exhibition space Skaftfell – Center for Visual Art in Seyðisfjörður, East Iceland proudly celebrates the 15th anniversary of the institution with an exhibition…