Past events

Toti Ripper

The Bookshop – Projectspace 17.06.10 The notorious Tóti Ripper, a local in Seyðisfjörður has only been painting for little over a year,  his paintings are remarkable for their extraordinarily rich…

Short movies and stop-motion

Students from the elementary school, grade 7 -10. Supervised by Hanna Christel Sigurkarlsd?ttir and K?ri Gunnlaugsson.  

GEIRI – Sey?isfj?r?ur elementary school

For the past few years Skaftfell has supervised the visual art class in Sey?isfj?r?ur?elementary school, grade 7 – 10. On the West Wall we present projects by 14 – 15…

Geiri – the life and works of ?sgeir J?n Emilsson

?a? er okkur sannur hei?ur a? kynna s?ningu ? verkum al???ulistamannsins ?sgeirs Emilssonar. Al???ulistama?urinn ?sgeir?J?n Emilsson var f?ddur 1931 a? H?t?ni vi? Sey?isfj?r?. Geiri, eins og hann var ?vallt kalla?ur,…

Glass House

10.05.10 – 30.05.10 The Bookshop-projectspace A series of photographic combinations, exploring structural and symbolic relationships between four different locations in America. Philip Johnson’s iconic Glass House is shown in relationship…


10.05.10 – 30.05.10 West wall Three films and compositions about Icelandic impressions and clichés. You see everyday things that imitate natural and geological actions in miniature scale. The change of…

Down Here

22.04.10 – 09.05.10 West Wall gallery


The Bookshop – Projectspace 21.03.10 – 18.04.10 The artist, born in 1949 has worked as a fisherman most of his adult life. From early childhood he was drawing and painting…


The West Wall gallery 21.03.10 – 18.04.10   Asle Lauvland Pettersen is a 31 years old Berlin based artist who works with several art genres; film, live performance, visual art…