
Release party for Valdamiklir menn

The release of the publication of?Valdamiklir menn (e. Powerful men) by J?n P?lsson will be celebrated in Skaftfell Bistro Saturday Nov 5 at 16.00. The author will read from the…

Oral tradition and mapping of memories

What is oral tradition? How does oral tradition manifest in modern times, opposed to the past were individuals relied solely on memory to share stories and knowledge? Skaftfell?s art education…


Exhibition about copying, duplicating and?plagiarism in collaboration with LungA school. Curator Gavin Morrison. Copying is commonplace and fundamental to art. Yet not all copying is equal. A range of moral…

One is On

Unnurs works talk in different ways about fading human connectedness caused by different forms of accepted narcissism. Making an impression has become a norm of the human condition, it provides…

An image of you

Solo exhibition by Icelandic artists Sigur?ur Atli Sigur?sson. Curator Gavin Morrison. Sigur?ur Atli Sigur?sson (b. 1988) is unusually attentive to those incidental moments and structures of modern life within which…

Authors train 2016

The annual Authors train will stop at Sey?isfj?r?ur and the reading will be begin at 20.30 sharp in the gallery by P?tur Gunnarsson, Yrsa Sigur?ard?ttir, Au?ur Ava ?lafsd?ttir, Magn?s Sigur?sson…

never mine

The exhibition?never mine?by Miriam Jonas transforms the Bookshop project space into a story not to be read, but to be stepped into: A visit to her Alter Ego?s imaginary mine,…


Film screening in Her?ubrei?  cinema, 24:21 min. Luke Fowlers films dwell on potentiality: what might be, what might have been, what might still be if the world were to…


In a series of text recitals, Nora tells stories through historical facts, philological ponderings and poetic means. For The Assembly of the Hyperboreans, she will tell a story about the…