

The annual exhibition of the Icelandic Academy of the Arts and the Dieter Roth Academy. Curator: Bj?rn Roth

Olav Christopher Jenssen

Sumars?ning Olav Christopher Jenssen Rith?fundavaka S?ningar ? ??rum st??um Her?ubrei?  j?l? 2000 – Menning og n?tt?ra ?tskriftarnemar Listah?sk?la ?slands. S?ningarstj?ri og kennari: ?orvaldur ?orsteinsson Ragnar Kjartansson Arnfinnur Amazeen Sirra…

Skaftfell Hub  Toolbox

The Skaftfell hub is an shared?workspace and the office to the Skaftfell staff?based at ?ldugata?. Artists in residence are welcome to use the facilities at the Skaftfell Hub and can…

Community projects

Artists are welcome to participate in the Skaftfell educational program, including artist talks, presentations or workshops for the local community, or the Skaftfell Art Class, which provides the opportunity to…

The Skaftfell hub

The Skaftfell hub is an open workspace on the top floor of Skaftfell’s main building. Artists in residence are welcome to use the facilities at the Skaftfell Hub and are…

Skaftfell Hub ? Toolbox

The Skaftfell hub is an open workspace on the top floor of Skaftfell’s main building. Artists in residence are welcome to use the facilities at the Skaftfell Hub and are…

The Skaftfell Education Program

Artists-in-residence are welcome to participate?in Skaftfells education program by giving?an artist talk or a workshop for the local community, by presenting their work in an open studio, or by contributing…