Articles by: Tinna

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On Site

FOSS presents four recently published editions at the event “On Site” at Skaftfell gallery. The editions represent a range of artistic expressions and formats however all developed under the influence of “the hand” of circumstances; local natural phenomena, ephemeral occurrences, historical events and social aspects. Foss, is established in Seyðisfjörður in 2016 by artists Linus Lohmann and Litten Nystrøm, publishes limited editions of printed- and non printed matter by international artists. The first of three “Seydisfjördur Editions” co-published with Widowed Swan; Sunnudagur, 29. september 1912 is a collaboration between Norwegian artist Arild Tveito and Scottish writer, curator and director of Widowed […]

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Open studio – Eliso Tsintsabadze and Pavel Filkov

Eliso Tsintsabadze (GE) and Pavel Filkov (RU) have been artists-in-residency at Skaftfell in March and April. Their work explores human relations to landscape through photography, and studies the medium of photography itself and its desire to document. In their current collaborative project about forestry in Iceland they are developing a visual study of a minimalistic landscape getting filled with trees. In the open studio Pavel and Eliso will show works in progress, as well as a variety of analogue photographic techniques and devices, including stereo cameras, stereoscopes, a pop-up darkroom, and more. Later in the month the artists will invite students from Seyðisfjarðarskóli for […]

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