Articles by: Tinna

/www/wp content/uploads/2018/02/pm akafi 2018

Printing Matter – Intensity

For the past three weeks a group of international artists have participated in a thematic residency, entitled Printing Matter, at Skaftfell. During this period the artists have explored the art of print and book making both on a practical and conceptual level. The process has taken place in, among other places, the Technical Museum of East Iceland and is lead by Danish artist and graphic designer Åse Eg Jørgensen with the assistance of Litten Nystrøm, an artist based in Seyðisfjörður. The Printing Matter residency aims to create a platform for exchange, discussion and collaboration in relation to printing and book […]

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/www/wp content/uploads/2018/02/skaftfell husid 1998

Skaftfell 20 years old

This year the small rural art center Skaftfell celebrates its 20th anniversary as an organization. A few projects are in process to mark the occasion, including a publication in collaboration with Elfa Hlín Pétursdóttir from the Center for Cultural Studies in Seyðisfjörður. The aim of the publication is to lay open the history of Skaftfell by using archival material, such as photgraphs and various published materials related to the exhibitions, residencies, education projects, the Bistro, and other initiatives related to Skaftfell over the past the twenty years. [box]Hence we have started collecting documents related to the center. If you happen […]

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