Gestalistamennirnir Cristina David, Robertas Narkus og Victoria Brännström kynna verk sín og starfsferil á listamannaspjalli.
Bæði Cristina og Robertas dvelja í Skaftfelli í tengslum við alþjóðleg samstarfsverkefni, Cristina tekur þátt í Artists as Agents of Institutional Exchange og Robertas tekur þátt í Climbing Invisible Structures. Victoria dvelur í september-október í boði Norrænu menningargáttirnar. Um næstu helgi opnar hún sýninguna Hérna, í Bókabúðinni-verkefnarými, sem hluti af Haustroða.
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Cristina David is a contemporary artist based in Bucharest. Cristina studied at the Faculty of Mathematics and at the National Art University of Bucharest, in Romania. In 2007 she received an MA in Fine Arts at the Art Academy in Bergen, Norway. Her art works were exhibit in galleries and museums from around the world, among which some of the relevant exhibitions venues and contemporary art events are: the Contemporary Art Museum of Bucharest, Video Art Biennial (Tel- Aviv), Shedhalle (Zurich), Kunsthalle Leipzig, Montehermoso Art Space (Vitoria- Spain), Futura Gallery (Prague), Manifesta8- Contemporary Art Biennial (Spain), The Performance Art Institute (PAI) (San Francisco), Kiasma, Museum of Contemporary Art of Finland (Helsinki), Rotor gallery (Graz)., Motorhalle (Dreseden).

Robertas Narkus describes his practice as the ‘management of circumstance in the economy of coincidence’. He brings together the ordinary and the absurd to explore notions of chance economics, hypothetical experiences and symbolic capital. He brings together the ordinary and the absurd to explore notions of chance economics, hypothetical experiences and symbolic capital.
In her work Victoria Brännström problematises gender, conventions and status and work mainly with subjects around woman’s traditional craftwork. By social interactions and performance she investigate situations and norms. She also works with nature, as an inspiration, material and arena.