Listamannaspjall #25

Þriðjudaginn 19. janúar kl. 16:30
Skaftfell, Austurvegur 42, 3. hæð

Gestalistamenn Skaftfells í janúar Nora Mertes (DE) og Rashanna Rashied-Walker (USA) fjalla um verk sín og viðfangsefni. Einnig mun Ingirafn Steinarsson gefa stutta kynningu á listsköpun sinni en hann dvaldi sem gestalistamaður í Slakthusateljéerna í desember á síðasta ári, í gegnum vinnstofuskipti á vegum Skaftfells. Spjallið fer fram á ensku.

Um listamennina

Ingirafn Steinarsson lauk námi frá Myndlista- og handíðaskóla Íslands árið 1999 og útskrifaðist með MA-gráðu frá Listaháskólanum í Malmö 2006. Í verkum sínum vinnur hann með innsetningar, hluti, teikningar og myndbandsverk. Að undanförnu hafa verkin verið byggð í kringum hugmyndir hans um „menningarverkfæri“ og „fagurfræði virkni“, sem eru tilraunir listamannsins til þess að skilja hans eigin viðfangsefni og umhverfi sitt.


Nora Mertes studied at the Alanus Academy in Bonn and at Hiroshima City University, and completed a Masters degree at the Institute for Art in Context, University of the Arts, Berlin. Besides her artistic practice she is currently teaching at the Institute for Architecture-related Art at the Technical University Braunschweig. Nora’s residency at Skaftfell is supported by a grant from the Goethe Institute.

In my work, I deal with the physical and virtual reality of rooms and landscapes to investigate the question of location and situation. My impression of a place is that of an entity that constantly produces, copies, collapses, and re-creates itself through interaction, representation, and reproduction. An entity that is never clear, but rather is always in the making, on the verge of transformation from one state to another.

Rashanna Rashied-Walker is a New York based artist and writer. She received her BFA from Maryland Institute, College of Art and an MFA from University of the Arts in London, England. Much of her work levitates the visible and invisible poetry within the natural world. Her work has been exhibited at institutions including Royal Institute of Art, Sweden; Mass Moca, Massachusetts; Cabinet, New York; Glasgow International Festival of Visual Arts, Scotland; Botkyrah Konsthall, Sweden; Whitespace,Thailand; The Bronx Museum of Art, Five Myles and BRIC Rotunda Gallery in New York. Rashied- Walker has been awarded residencies at The Artist Village, Mustarinda, Vermont Studio Center, Banff Art Center, The Land Foundation and The Bronx Museum of Art. Published literary work includes: Content, The Happy Hypocrite, The Critical Friend, Creative Week and FIRE.