
Interzone, eða yfirráðasvæði, eru sundurlaus og svipuð, tengd hvert við annað með myndum og orkuflæðinu frá landslags myndskeiði.

Interzones or territories, disparate and similar, connected to each other by conducting images and by the energy transmitted through the filmed landscapes.
The zones are combining, overlapping, opposing, creating dynamics.
They are parasitized and interdependent. Connections occur.
Various layers follow one another in a nonlinear way.
Abstractions highlight perception, they affect and lead to an unreality that is confronted with the filmed real space.
The intensity of the sensations felt in sight of the Icelandic landscapes is accentuated.
Reflection on the duality and reciprocity between perception and apperception of a psychological and empirical point of view based on the senses.
Experiments. Immersion.

Valérie Bourquin býr í Frakklandi. Hún kláraði BA og MFA frá École Nationale Supérieur des Beaux-Arts í Lyon. Hún skoðar og rannsakar tengsl milli tónlistar, hljóða, mynda og rýmis. Dulkóðun / aftáknun / endurkóðun staðreynda, upplausn og endurskipulagning er hluti af vinnuferlinu. Hún styðs við myndbandsmiðilinn, raftónlist, 3D módelsmíði og aðra miðla við úrvinnslu.