Opin vinnustofa og listamannaspjall

It has been only a month in this total white. I started to produce some drawings and paper sculptures reflecting my state of mind being in this place where my vision is always shivering due to the excessive brightness.
They are about the traces, about what is under the snow and the fragility that emerges above this all.

Tzu Ting Wang

Verið velkomin miðvikudaginn 29. mars í opna vinnustofu hjá tævönsku listakonnunni Tzu Ting Wang og stutt listamannaspjall hjá dönsku listakonunni Hönnuh Anbert, sem er nýkomin til Seyðisfjarðar. Viðburðinn hefst kl. 16:30 og fer fram á ensku, í Skaftfelli 3. hæð.

Nánar um listamennina

Tzu Ting Wang/www/wp content/uploads/2017/03/one class of flower arrangement tw 72, b. 1987, in Tainan, Taiwan. Wang`s method of painting is to develop a perspectivism based on emotion. She projects her own sensation, memory and desire on individual object, and depicts the reality that has been transformed accordingly. In this way, she finds it possible to build a dialogue between herself and the objects, that in turn form a connection towards the surroundings. She perceives the relation of shape and space as the way of processing a portrait painting – visualising characters of people while facing still objects. She also envisages herself as a collector, who distributes roles for objects selected, and composes recurrences of different emotional encounters in a metaphorical sense.

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Hannah Anbert is a Copenhagen-based artist using performance, sculpture, installation, sound and text, exploring the sometimes arbitrary forms, human coexistence take. Anbert is particularly interested in political economy and the way it interferes with social relations. Educated from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (BA+MA) and Nordic Sound Art.