Verið velkomin á örsýningu í Upplýsingamiðstöðinni, Ferjuhúsinu, miðvikudaginn 28. júní kl. 16:00-18:00. Sýningin er einnig opin fimmtudaginn 29. júní kl. 08:00-16:00.
Á Afvegaleidd vettvangsvinna koma saman verk eftir Kristie MacDonald (CA) og Factory Workers Unite (DK). Á tveimur skjám í almenningsrýminu í ferjuhúsinu hefur verið skipt út upplýsingum handa ferðamönnum með myndbandsverkum sem sýna óhefðbundar athafnir.
Bæði verkin eru framleidd samhliða öðrum verkefnum í gestavinnustofu Skaftfells og eru nokkurrskonar viðbragð við dvölinni. Listamennirnir hafa ákveðið að skilgreina listræna ferlið sem afvegaleidda vettvangsvinnu.

Factory Workers Unite works with questions of position within a social, political and aesthetic field of critical commentary and response. Their context specific approach is often bracketed with a self-reflective moment of pause and an openness to the constant possibility of the artist’s culpability. Charging political formats and situations head-on, their work insists on the importance of contemporary art with political agendas. Studies of the practical formats of the contemporary globalized art scene and the paradoxes of participation, coupled with the possibility and growing promotion of political revolt, forms the baseline of this work.
Kristie MacDonald is a visual artist who lives and works in Toronto, Canada. Her practice engages notions of the archive and the collection, as well as their roles in the evolving meanings and contextual histories of images and artifacts. MacDonald is inspired by the phenomenons of recollection, remembrance and forgetting which drive the human urge to collect, memorialize and revisit. She has recently exhibited her work at BABEL Visningsrom for Kunst (Trondheim NO), Reed Collage (Portland OR), G Gallery (Toronto ON), The International Print Center (New York NY), and Gallery 44 (Toronto ON). She holds an MI from the University of Toronto specializing in Archival Studies and an MFA from York University specializing in Visual Arts.