STA?UR_ er ?riggja daga s?ning ? s?ningarsal Skaftfells ? verkum eftir Julian Harold (FR), Hyun Ah Kwon (KR), Kristen Mallia (US) og Kirsty Palmer (UK) sem eru gestalistamenn Skaftfells ? febr?ar og mars 2020.

S?ningin STA?UR_ er vi?brag? listamannanna vi? kynni ?eirra ? sta? og r?mi me? ?v? a? sko?a ferli, efni og t?ma. Hver listama?ur notar mismunandi mi?il og t?kni og veltir fyrir s?r hugmyndinni um samsetningu r?mis; ja?ra ?ess og r?misins inni ? milli auk sk?rskotanna til s?gu og minninga. Verkin, sem eru oft endurspeglandi, eru ekki eing?ngu safn upplifanna hvers listamanns fyrir sig ? sta?num heldur b?a ?au einnig til vettvang fyrir samfund innan s?ningar?misins og skapa ?annig yfirf?rslu milli listar, r?mis og ?horfanda.

Opnun: ?ri?judaginn 17. mars, kl. 17:00-19:00 ? s?ningarsal Skaftfells, Austurvegi 42.

Opnunart?mar: 18.-20. mars, kl. 12:00-21:00.

Gengi? inn um Bistr?i?.


Julian Harold is a transdisciplinary artist from France. His vast undertaking of subjects such as history of art, mythology, folklores, biology, aesthetics, universalism and secular spiritualism favors blurring the distinction between photography, poetry, graphic, installation and performing arts. Flirting between the artificial and the natural, Julian tackles phenomenology and directs mutant sceneries.?Julian graduated from Central Saint Martins, London, with a BA in Performance Design and Practice (2017).

Hyun Ah Kwon is a visual artist, sound producer and printmaker from Seoul, South Korea, currently based in London. Her work draws upon the experience of the Sublime, brought upon by a visual blurring of private and public spaces. Using the spatially disorienting effects of light and video, projected and reflected from indoor to outdoor spaces and vice versa, Hyun Ah is interested in visualizing the interlacing and disintegration of boundaries between an inner self and an outer self, which for her constitutes the sublime experience.?Hyun Ah Kwon graduated from Central Saint Martins, London (MFA, 2018), Ewha Womans University in Seoul (BA, 2015), and the Global Student Program at the University of California, Davis (2014).

Kristen Mallia is an artist based in Boston, Massachusetts. Her installations, printed matter, and time-based media are deeply rooted in iteration and process, and examine the roles of preservation, performance, and collection in our daily lives. Embracing both analog and digital materials, she examines how time, memory, history, and the framing of content inform our understanding of value.?Kristen teaches at Boston University, Massachusetts College of Art + Design, Suffolk University, and the School of Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University. Most recently, her work has been exhibited at Nave Gallery in Somerville, MA, Gallery 263 in Cambridge, MA, and Boston East Gallery, in East Boston.?Kristens residency at Skaftfell is supported in part by a grant from the Mayors Office of Arts and Culture and the City of Boston.

Kirsty Palmer lives and works in Glasgow. Her practice is often driven by formal concerns; materials, their changing states and the making process itself. She is interested in the phenomenological potential of materiality, archaeology and landscape as a site of memorial. Her work often presents as a site-specific archipelago of surfaces, forms and images and can itself be seen to form a memorial of sorts; a dedication to a particular physical space, image or process.?Kirsty graduated from the MFA programme at The Glasgow School of Art in 2014, and with BA (Hons) in 2010. Recent exhibitions include LANDING, Glasgow Project Room, Glasgow (2019); Of A Mountain/ Af fjalli, Br??raborg, ?safj?r?ur?(2018); Flock & Fold, S?M, Reykjavik (2018); I S L A N D S, Patriothall Gallery, Edinburgh (2017).?Kirsty’s residency at Skaftfell is supported by Creative Scotland Open Project Funding.