Skaftfell, On the Rót – 80 animals

22.03. – 22.04.2002
The annual exhibition of the Icelandic Academy of the Arts and the Dieter Roth Academy.

Participating students are:
Bjarni Massi
Halla Dögg Sigurðardóttir
Tinna Guðmundsdóttir
Margrétt M.
Davíð Örn Halldórsson
Fredrik Strid
Þuríður Elva Jónsdóttir
Jóhannes Heldén
Curator: Björn Roth



Summer exhibition

14.06. – 10.08.2002

Georg Guðni
Peter Frie


Exhibition with 75 artist from all over Iceland. Curators Harpa Björnsdóttir and Ólöf Norda

17.08. -  05.09.2002

Autumn exhibition

28.09. – 10.10.2002

Niina Braun
Ulu Braun
Tellervo Kalleinen


Hringsjá // Periscope

26.10. – 17.11.2002

Arnfinnur Amazeen
Baldur Geir Bragason
Bryndís Erla Hjálmarsdóttir
Elín Helena Evertsdóttir
Fjölnir Björn Hlynsson
Markús Þór Andrésson
Rósa Sigrún Jónsdóttir
Þuríður Sigurðardóttir


Writers Night 2002


Tímans rás

30.11.2002 – 13.01.2003
