tonnes (1.22) and eggs (60)
24.01 – 07.02 While waterfalls freeze and thaw alternately, you weigh eggs. You weigh 60 eggs and come to a conclusion, but know that it would be very different if…
24.01 – 07.02 While waterfalls freeze and thaw alternately, you weigh eggs. You weigh 60 eggs and come to a conclusion, but know that it would be very different if…
Skaftfell Art Center is pleased to present the group exhibition Air Conditions: Anna Eglite, Inger Wold Lund, Jenny Berger Myhre, Mariana Murcia, Oceanfloor Group, Signe Lidén, Vilhjálmur Yngvi Hjálmarsson, William…
Titill á sýninguÖrn Alexander Ámundason5. október – 2. nóvember Leiðsagnir með listamanninum verða dagana 25. – 27. október. Nánari tímasetningar verða auglýstar síðar. Þessi sýning er ekki með neina fagurfræði,…
Verið velkomin á opnun nýrrar sýningar á Vesturvegg Skaftfell bistró föstudaginn næstkomandi klukkan 16.00. UtanyfirHanna Christel SigurkarlsdóttirVesturveggur Skaftfell bistró18. október kl 16.00 Hanna Christel Sigurkarlsdóttir býr og starfar á Seyðisfirði…
The West Wall of the Skaftfell bistro now features Linus Lohmann´s works until the middle of October. Linus Lohmann’s exhibition on the West Wall comprises four screenprints created using experimental…
Zuhaitz Akizu: Strange Arrangements Strange Arrangements are pieces from the personal collection and archive of Zuhaitz Akizu. As a practice, Zuhaitz collects, transforms, and reassembles objects and materials that fascinate…
21. June – 27. September Bryndís Snæbjörnsdóttir & Mark WilsonCurator Æsa Sigurjónsdóttir. Opening 21. June 4pm Who are the whales that visit the Icelandic seas each summer?How differently has human…