The past few years I have been preparing an exhibition or happening under the title Fundamentals. It addresses the magical day in smaller Icelandic communities when sheep is gathered from the mountains. The beginning of a new era, culture and abundance.((I hadnt given sheep or farming any particular thought since childhood, until I moved close to where the sheep is gathered. I then felt childhood memories rush forth and I experienced the sheep sorting and life in the countryside in a whole new way. Extraordinary how strong the roots of sheep farming are with the Icelandic people. The sheep stands strong amongst all pioneering.(Today, I am interested in environmental and patriotic industries as farming. When I started working on three-dimensional pieces, I looked for material in the local dumpster area. That was because of lack of money, but also because of recycling ideas.((Societys various forms have always been my subjects. Two-dimensionally at first, but three-dimensionally in later years. I often get all kinds of people to take part in my exhibitions. Lecturers, musicians, children and teenagers, actors, poets and other artists. In that way, I get a broader perspective on what I am doing and unexpected things happen, as if by magic.(On R?ttardagur (Fundamentals) I will in fact gather artists working on miscellaneous forms of art, to unite under this patriotic flag.(
?The sound-work created for the exhibition is by Mirjam Blekkenhorst.
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