Saturday, February 25th, at 16:00 the exhibition SK?SKEGG ? VHS + CD opens at Skaftfell.

The exhibition is the conclusion of a two-week workshop, lead by Bj?rn Roth, at Skaftfell, in collaboration with the Icelandic Art Academy, the Dieter Roth Academy and the Technical Museum of East Iceland

The art students involved are:??sgr?mur ??rhallsson, ?sta Fanney Sigur?ard?ttir, Claudia Hausfeld, D?ra Hrund G?slad?ttir, Erik Hirt, Gintare Maciulskyt?, Gunnar J?nsson, Halla ??rlaug ?skarsd?ttir, Katla Stef?nsd?ttir, Katr?n Erna Gunnarsd?ttir, Sigmann ??r?arson, Sigur?ur ??rir ?mundason, Steinunn Lilja Emilsd?ttir & Viktor P?tur Hannesson

Curator: Bj?rn Roth.

The exhibition runs until May 6, 2012.

Skaftfell?s opening hours:

Tuesday-Friday 13:00 -?16:00
Friday-Saturday 17:00 -?22:00
And by appointment.

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