Skalar preview venue

Monday, April 9, at 21

Skálar Sound Art Festival preview venue: Presentation of Skálar and showcase-concert.

Konrad Korabiewski, AuxPan & Helgi Örn Pétursson.

The art-collective will present the ideology behind Skálar – Centre For Sound Art and Experimental Music and play a joined experimental concert. After the concert, during the evening, the artists and initiators will present sound art and music representative for the profile of Skálar at the Skaftfell bistro.

Skálar is a new established Center For Sound Art and Experimental Music to be located in the factory space of the former Nordursild fish factory, situated in a unique place by the seaside of Seydisfjördur. Seeking and supporting artistic depth and quality, the aim of Skálar is to provide a platform for experiments, collaborations, presentations, studies and inspiration to professional artists and students in good working facilities.  It wishes to work with related institutions, and to create a basis for international interchange and network.

This autumn, Skálar intend to establish an annual international Sound-Art festival. The aim of the festival is to present a wide range of original artistic expression experimenting to the highest degree within sound-art and sound in reletion to others mediaforms. More info: http://ská

About the artists and founders:

Elvar Már Kjartansson ( 1982 )

Obsessive music-maverick Elvar Már Kjartansson aka Auxpan, is a sound-crafter with knack for creating selfdeveloped original apparatures. Auxpan creates music where sound bytes, rhythmic patterns,  and fieldrecordings come together to form an experimental highly personal sound.

Helgi Örn Pétursson (1975) is an artist of chaotic and yet calculated proportions.

Helgi Örn ́s musical background comes both from the classical field, having been member of the Hamrahlid Choir for over six years, singing both classical music as well as Icelandic folksong and extensive array of contemporary music as well as having been in various bands from an early age.

Polish | Danish Konrad Korabiewski (1978) is an award-winning multimedia artist.

Focused on absorption, content and atmosphere of sound rather than a certain media, he experiments and develops new possibilities for expressing  philosophical views and artistic ideologies in sensing music and art.  More info: http//

For more info: http://www.ská


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