The Narrative Collection completed

The Narrative Collection project will have its official conclusion on December 1st. The project has been going on for the past two years and roughly 200 narratives from the people of Seyðisfjörður have been recorded. To mark this occasion copies will be given to the local library, The Regional Archives and The Technical Museum, for safekeeping. Representatives from these institutions will be present to receive those.

Also, the project manager, Árný Björg Bergsdóttir, the Regional Archives Director, Hrafnkell Lárusson and The Director of The Technical Museum, Pétur Kristjánsson, will each give a talk on the project.

Light refreshments will be served

Um Skaftfell og Frásagnasafnið / Skaftfell and The Narrative Collection from Skaftfell on Vimeo.

About the project

Since 2011 Skaftfell has taken on the extensive project entitled The Narrative Collection. The purpose is to collect narratives from all the inhabitants of Seyðisfjörður in 2011 and 2012, and to keep a kind of snapshots which together give a bigger picture of the community.

It is unique to have the opportunity to map the memories of an entire community. That sort of mapping not only gives insight into the community in question but is also a unique contemporary documentation. A document on human existence, a document on the passing of time, how generations communicate and the foundation upon which today is based.

The collection is gathered by recording short videos of people narrating and was then made accessible to the public at the collection´s center in Skaftfell´s gallery. The collection center was opened in June 17, 2001, and there visitors could watch the narratives and gather information on the project. The center was opened for eight months and new narratives where added continuously.

Swiss Artist Cristoph Büchel, Skaftfell´s Art Director 2011-2012, initiated the project but it will be carried out in cooperation with the Icelandic Centre for Ethnology and Folklore (ICEF). The collection will take place simultaneously in Strandir and Seyðisfjörður.

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