Fimmtudaginn 12. febrúar kl. 17:00 í Skaftfell Bistró.
Danski listamaðurinn Cai Ulrich von Platen, gríski listamaðurinn Effrosyni Kontogeorgou – búsettur í Berlín, og breski rithöfundurinn Helen Jukes kynna verk sín og viðfangsefni á listamannaspjalli.
The work of visual artist Cai Ulrich von Platen (born 1955) encompasses painting, sculpture, installation, photography and video. His studio praxis gives rise to very distinctive and personal exhibits, films and books, and he simultaneously participates in a wide variety of artistic collaborations and artist ontrolled exhibition projects.

Effrosyni Kontogeorgou (born 1980, Athens, GR) works with time-based media, such as video and performance. The main topic of her work is manifestations of the uncanny (Unheimlich). She displays poetic images, gestures or moments, in which the absurdity of ordinary reality is disclosed. She is a graduate of the Athens School of Fine Arts (GR) and holds a Master’s Degree in Digital Media from the University of the Arts in Bremen (DE). Her works have been exhibited at various spaces, galleries and festivals in Germany, Belgium, Lebanon and Greece. Effrosyni currently lives and works between Bremen and Berlin, Germany.

Helen Jukes is a writer living in the UK. She is interested in the relationships between hands and feet and fields and wild places, and how we go about finding a language for these things. She believes that in learning new ways of speaking (and so also of listening, feeling and knowing), we might learn some fresh means of re-engaging with the world around us, and of re-embodying ourselves.
Helen has published fiction and non-fiction (image Backroad Journal), writing for publications such as The Junket, Caught by the River, BBC Wildlife and Resurgence Magazine. She is currently researching for a book about beekeeping.
Helen also works as creative writing tutor at a homelessness charity in Oxford.