In September of 2014 the educational project Digital Craftsmanship was launched. The project emphasizes the union of creativity and sustainability and is designed for fifth, sixth and seventh graders in primary schools around the east fjords.
Students are taught how to produce their own pigment and paint from locally found raw materials; stones, clay etc. They then transfer the colors into digital form using smart technology and create their own color pallet. The participants take on the role of researchers and carefully record and log each step of the process using photography that is swiftly shared through Twitter, online social media, making it possible for pupils in different towns to maintain open and up-to-date mutual communication about their process.

Digital Craftsmanship is accessible online, in Icelandic, and participation is free of charge:
The project is realized in collaboration with Seyðisfjord primary school and RoShamBo.
The project is made possible with the support of Sprotasjóður [the Sprout fund] and the Cultural Council of East Iceland.