August 19.-22. 2015 at the Bookshop – projectspace
Islandia en Islandia aims to activate an interaction with local artists, activating a Meta-Residency dialogue: Local artists will be invited into a temporary studio space at the Bookshop – projectspace and or a satellite spot at Tvísöngur for two hours to test a current research or a new one specifically made for this situation. Via these public actions, interactions or on site artistic research situations the host and artist Miguel Guzman Pastor and collaborator Carmen Soriano attempt to trace a map of the interdisciplinary art community in Seydisfjordur at the present moment.
Espacio Islandia and the curatorial microResidency project, currently lead by Guzman and video producer Carmen Soriano, started in 2011 in Madrid. In 2013 it became a nomadic device starting to operate in multiple locations (Spain, Sweden, Italy, China). Until Today over 75 actions by international artists have been developed where Espacio Islandia invite artists to show their potential through concentration of energy in a two hours public site -and time- specific proposal. The project is focused on research in art communities, and on process and exploration of time and space through presence and action and demonstrates how few materials are needed to create thorough artistic actions and a constructive social impact.
So far Miguel Guzmann has invited the following projects and artists to participate with an action to this edition of Espacio Islandia at The Bookshop – projectspace:
Wednesday Aug. 19th. at 5 pm :
Readings – Island Iceland Offshore Project in collaboration with The East Iceland Basement Commission Group featuring Adriana, Arika, Barbara, Ben, Bjrn, Michi, Felix, Jiajia, Jiř, Patrick and Yu.

Thursday Aug. 20th. at 5 pm :
The Lathe – Linus Lohmann and Litten Nystrom
Saturday Aug. 22nd. :
The Mystery Hour – Richard Merrill Hoglund

The project is supported by AC/E Spains Public Agency for Cultural Action