On August 13th. at 17:00 Swedish sisters Gerd Aurell, visual artist, and Karin Aurell, musician, will present new collaborative work; the audiovisual performance Stigi, at the Bookshop – projectspace.

All welcome – free of charge.

For the past few years, the two sisters have been developing a collaboration where Karin plays flute while Gerd “plays” overhead projector with a combination of prepared images and interventions. For Skaftfell they have been working on a new piece where Karin has collected sounds and Gerd has collected images, finding inspiration in the town of Seydisfjrdur and the surrounding landscape.


Gerd Aurell is a visual artist, living and working in Umea, Sweden. Her main focus is drawing, but she also works with performance, film and installation. She is interested in exploring how drawing relates to space and time in installlation pieces and performance. She an artistic supervisor at the Aesthetics course at the Umea Art Academy and run the artist-run-space Verkligheten (Meaning Reality) together with eleven other Umea-based artists.

Karin Aurell is a classically trained flute player living and working in Sackville, New Brunswick in Canada. She teaches flute in the music departments of Mount Allison University and Universite de Moncton. She is also a member of the woodwind quintet Ventus Machina. She particularily enjoys working with new music by living composers “since you can’t really work with the dead ones”.