Listamannaspjall #26

Gestalistamenn Skaftfells ? mars og apr?l,?Faith La Rocque, Leander Dj?nne og Val?rie Bourquin, munu kynna verk s?n og vinnua?fer?ir fimmtudaginn 31. mars kl. 20:00 ? Her?ubrei?. Norski listama?urinn Leander Dj?nne dvelur ? bo?i Norr?nu menningarg?ttarinnar og hann mun s?na valin myndbandsverk. Spjalli? fer fram ? ensku og tekur u.?.b. 90 m?n.

N?nar um listamennina

Faith La Rocque is a visual artist living in Toronto, Canada and exhibiting internationally. Her work?examines aspects of human experience through the use of alternative health therapies as both material and subject matter.?Recent solo exhibitions include?Medium, Sister, New York (2015),?chisel to carve light thoughts?at De Luca Fine Art, Toronto (2014) and?High Acceptance, YYZ Artists Outlet, Toronto (2013). La Rocque received an M.F.A. in Drawing and Painting from Edinburgh College of Art (2006), and a B.F.A. in Art History and Studio Art from Concordia University (2004). She has been awarded numerous grants, including the Joseph S. Stauffer Prize by the Canada Council for the Arts.

Leander Dj?nne
Leander Dj?nne

Leander Dj?nne (b.1981, Odda, Norway) lives and works in Oslo. His work deals with politics, capital, power relations and poetry. He studied at?Art Academy Oslo; Bergen Academy of Art and Design; St?delschule Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Art Academy Malm?, Sweden; and Werner Herzog?s Rogue Film School, New Jersey. He?has exhibited at Kunstverein Hannover, Germany; Bonniers Konsthall, Sweden; Astrup Fearnley, Oslo; El parche, Colombia; and UKS, Oslo.

Val?rie Bourquin

Val?rie Bourquin?lives in France. She obtained a BA and MFA at ?cole Nationale Sup?rieur des Beaux-Arts in Lyon. The connections between music, sound, images and space are some of her concerns and research. The encoding/decoding/re-encoding of facts, their dismembering and regrouping is part of her production process. She uses video, electronic music, 3D modelling and other media.
