
Norska listakonan Nora Joung endursegir s?gur sem sty?jast?vi??s?gulegar sta?reyndir, heimspekilegar vangaveltur og lj??r?na fr?s?gn. Fyrir s?ninguna Samkoma handan Nor?anvinsins mun h?n segja fr? mismunandi virkni munnsins, menningars?gu hans, st?lku sem drukkna?i og g?mm?brag?i.

“The rescue-Anne doll is said to be the most kissed face in the world. She is modelled after the death mask of a drowned teenager found floating in the river Seine. Though the pathologist ruled her death a suicide, an impish smile rested on her lips. After the death mask became popularised as a piece of dec?r, actresses took to modelling their look after it. For a while, the look of the dead girl was the erotic ideal.

What an annoyance it must be, to be clumsily resuscitated by thousands of pawing strangers. The plastic sternum convexed and concaved to the rythm of the Bee Gees’ Staying Alive.”

Nora Joung?(f. 1989) lifir og starfar og er sta?sett ? r?mi (og t?ma!). H?n ?tskrifa?ist me? M.A. fr? H?sk?lanum ? Osl?. Verk hennar hverfast i?ullega um sambandi? milli tungum?ls og hins myndr?na: ?ar sem anna? ?eirra g?ti veri? sta?gengill hins og gefur til kynna t?knfr??ileg skipti og st??uga bar?ttu um hvort er hinu fremra. Nora starfar einnig sem listgagnr?nandi.

Hluti af Samkoma handan Nor?anvindsins
