
Exhibition about copying, duplicating and?plagiarism in collaboration with LungA school.

Curator Gavin Morrison.

Copying is commonplace and fundamental to art. Yet not all copying is equal. A range of moral responses can be expected that encompass the respect for the academic tradition of the novice copying the work of the master through to the scandal of the plagiarized novel. This exhibition relates to different forms of copying and duplication and how we understand the intention and the effect of those works that may at times seem morally problematic. From Jon Routson’s bootlegged Hollywood movies through to the Suicide Girls large format copy of Richard Prince’s copy of their Instagram posts, different relationships with the idea – and the fact – of an original emerge. This exhibition contains work from a variety of disciplines including, design, architecture, visual art and film.

Preceding the exhibition a workshop with a group of students from LungA School was held. Through discussion groups, screenings and practical tasks, this group will form and construct the exhibition. They then had the opportunity to make work in relation to the themes of the exhibition that became part of the display.

Opening hours

The gallery is open daily from 15.00-21.00 and by appointment.

Admission is free and guided tours for groups can be arranged.


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Thanks to: Radek Pernica