Printing Matter er al?j??legt ?riggja?vikna ?ematengd gestavinnustofa?fyrir listamenn me? ?herslu ? b?kverk undir handlei?slu ?se Eg J?rgensen. Gestavinnustofa?fer fram ? Sey?isfir?i, ??febr?ar og september 2018. Fj?ldi ??tttakenda er 8-10 listamenn og kennt ver?ur ? ensku.

[box]Dagsetningar: 5. – 26. febr?ar og 3. – 24. september, 2018.
N?mskei?sgjald: 150.000 kr., innifali? er gisting og grunnefniskostna?ur.[/box]

N?nar um?gestavinnustofuna

Printing Matter is a Do-It-Yourself-based workshop that aims to create a platform for exchange, discussion, and collaboration amongst fellow artists from various disciplines, who share a professional interest in?artists book making, both on a practical and a conceptual level, and who wish to deepen their knowledge and expertise. The first Printing Matter took place in February 2017 were?nine artists with?various background came together to explore the medium.

The program is developed and guided by the Danish artist and graphic designer ?se Eg J?rgensen. The program includes group workshops, independent research and practice and an informal final presentation.

Working facilities and very basic printmaking equipment will be made available through a collaboration with the Technical Museum of East Iceland in Sey?isfj?r?ur. The printing equipment are museum pieces: three hand-driven presses donated to the museum by German artist Dieter Roth. There is a letterpress proofing press (width max 48cm) and a selection of type (lead), a small intaglio press (width max 30cm) and an old lithographic press (35x45cm) with a small selection of stones.

The main focus of the program will be on conceiving and producing individual artists books in a limited print run (10-15 copies), on location. Since Sey?isfj?r?ur is a rather remote place, we will have to make the best of the materials and facilities at hand.

Apart from the printing techniques made available by the Sey?isfj?r?ur Technical Museum, diverse handprinting techniques can be used as well. The program will touch on book-production, ink, paper, type, binding, folding, sewing  hands on, as well as?going through?a brief history of artists books, discussions on printed matter and printed multiples

A summary of selected texts will act as a foundation for discussions on the above listed topics.

DSC_0010In order to reveal the joined knowledge of the workshop/residency/process, all participants should prepare half an hour presentation of their own practice relating to the topics, together with one 20 min exercise to present for the other participants.

Set within the ongoing Skaftfell residency program, the Thematic Residency aims to integrate the participating artists into the creative community of Sey?isfj?r?ur. Artists will be able to experience life and work in a unique micro community where creativity is applied to the everyday, and the borders between art and life are fluent. The timing of the residency, February 2018, provides artists with the opportunity to experience the dark and serene period of winter in the fjords of East Iceland while the latter period September 2018 with its majestic autumn colours will fuel their creative side.

The program is best suited for visual artists, but artists with interdisciplinary practices are also welcome to apply.

Application process

The call for applications for the Thematic Residency 2018 is open from the beginning of June until September 15, 2017. Applicants will be informed of the outcome by the end of October 2017.

Please submit your application via the online application form

[button link=”″ bg_color=”#5A5A5A”]Application form[/button]


Participants are responsible for making their own travel arrangements to Sey?isfj?r?ur. Successful applicants will receive a detailed account on how to get here along with the travel options. As part of Skaftfells mission to minimize their carbon footprint they have teamed up with Smyril Line, the international ferry leaving from Denmark via Faroe Islands to Sey?isfj?r?ur and can arrange a booking agent and special discount to travel by ferry to the residency. More information on the ferry at [/box]

Lj?smyndir:??se Eg J?rgensen,?Litten Nystrom, Tinna Gu?mundsd?ttir