Farfuglar 1998-2018

Gestavinnustofa listamanna samanstendur af t?ma, sta? og f?lki og skapar t?kif?ri til a? styrkja samb?nd og mynda dj?pst?tt samtal vi? listina og eigin hugmyndir.1

? t?plega tvo ?ratugi hefur Skaftfell reki? gestavinnustofur fyrir listamenn sem hefur geti? af s?r 250 heims?knir listamanna. Sumir hafa skili? eftir sig ??reifanlega sl??, a?rir hugl?ga minningu. Einhverjir hafa komi? hinga? m?rgum sinnum og sumir hafa jafnvel fest h?r r?tur til framb??ar.

? s?ningunni er liti? til baka ? gestavinnustofustarfsemina ?samt sj?nr?nni framsetningu ?r skjalasafni Skaftfells. Einnig ver?a til s?nis listaverk eftir n?verandi gestalistamenn Jemila MacEwan, Hannimari Jokinen ?samt Joe Sam-Essandoh og Elena Mazzi ? samstarfi vi? S?ru Tirelli.

S?ningunni ver?ur loka? me? m?l?ingi um ?r?un gestavinnustofa ? Austurlandi fr? aldam?tum. P?lsinn ver?ur tekinn?? ?essum mikilv?ga hluta starfsemi Skaftfells og innanb?jar samstarfsa?ilum ver?ur bo?i? a? deila hugmyndum og reynslu ? gegnum t??ina. Sko?a? ver?ur hva?a ???ingu sl?k dv?l listamanna hefur fyrir ?? sj?lfa og ? sta?bundnu samhengi. Efnt ver?ur til v??ara samtals vi? Austfir?inga sem einnig reka gestavinnustofur og ?eim bo?i? s?rstaklega a? taka ??tt.


Laugardaginn 26. ma? kl. 14:00-15:00
Reset. Decolonizing Methods in Art
Listamennirnir Hannimari Jokinen og Joe Sam-Essandoh flytja fyrirlestur um yfirstandandi ranns?kn ?eirra ? ?r?lahaldi. I?na?urinn teyg?i sig ?vert yfir Atlantshaf og tengdi Danm?rku, Hamborg-Altona, Kar?b?sku eyjarnar, Vestur-Afr?ku og ?sland. ? me?an ? dv?l ?eirra stendur ? Skaftfell hafa ?au sko?a? ?venjulegt l?f Hans J?natans, sem strauk ?r ?r?lahaldi og settist a? ? Austurlandi ?ri? 1802. Hann eigna?ist fj?lskyldu ? Dj?pavogi og bj? ?ar sem hei?vir?ur borgari, versla?i me? sykur, kaffi og ?ar fram eftir g?tunum. ? verkum s?num minnast listamennirnir fer?alaga Hans um heiminn ?veran og endilangan og arfleif?ar. A? fyrirlestrinum loknum ver?ur fluttur stuttur gj?rningur.

Laugardaginn 9. j?n? kl. 13:00  15:00
Farfuglar 1998-2018
M?l?ing um ?r?un gestavinnustofa ? Austurlandi fr? aldam?tum og n?stu skref. Lesa n?nar.


Elena Mazzi?was born in 1984 in Reggio Emilia (Italy). Her multimedial works have been displayed in many solo and collective exhibitions, among them the 14th Istanbul Biennale, the 17th BJCEM Mediterranean Biennale, Fittja pavilion in a collateral event at the 14thVenice Architecture Biennale, and COP17 in Durban.?Elenas project in Iceland, Resilient borders, intends to analyze how the structure of surrounding spaces can influence our perception of belonging and freedom, through the notion of geographical borders.

Hannimari Jokinen?is a visual artist and curator, born in Helsinki/Finland, and based in Hamburg/Germany. She studied art, linguistics, education, and culture management. Her practice includes art in urban space, participatory projects, community art, film, photography, installation, performance, and publications. Hannimaris work has been shown in many Western and Eastern European countries, the USA, Tanzania, Ghana, and China.

Joe Sam-Essandoh?is a visual artist, born in Ghana, and living in Hamburg/Germany. His work includes serigraphy, painting, graphic design, sculpture, photography, and mixed media. He has been teaching silk screening workshops for over 20 years. Joes work has been shown in various museums and project spaces in Germany.

Hannimari Jokinen and Joe Sam-Essandoh have been working together on decolonialization strategies for several years. Among other topics, their projects have been about Hamburgs and Denmarks colonial past and about their notorious involvement in the transatlantic slave trade. During their residency at Skaftfell they are researching local and global colonial history and early Black presence in Iceland, connecting Westafrica, the former Danish-Caribbean Virgin Islands, Northern Europe, and the Eastern Icelandic region.

Jemila MacEwan, b. 1985 is an interdisciplinary artist living and working in New York. Jemila was born in Scotland before emigrating to Australia with her family; this sense of displacement has informed her work as a comfortable outsider. In her recent works, MacEwan inhabits the role of various forms of destruction within the natural world, such as meteorites, volcanoes, dead animal skin and glaciers as a way to reflect on what it means to be human in the age of the Holocene Extinction.?MacEwan is a current BRIC Media Arts Fellow.?Her work has been exhibited at The Australian Consulate-General (NYC), Pioneer Works (NYC), LMCC (NYC), Victori +MO (NYC), The Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts (NYC), Governor’s Island Art Fair (NYC), The Melbourne International Arts Festival (Australia), Gertrude Street Projection Festival (Australia), and Arquetopia (Mexico).

Sara Tirelli?(1979) is a filmmaker and visual artist whose?work lies along the border between art and cinema. Her videos and artworks have been featured in several exhibitions and festivals including Q16.Quadriennale dArte of Rome, 12th International Architecture Biennale of Venice, Rotterdam Film Festival.?Her artistic research explores the processes of visual perception and the links between technology, culture and media. Sara is currently working on a Virtual Reality installation within the frame of the Artist in Production Residence at Bor?s Konstmuseum, Sweden.


1?Re-Tooling Residencies: A Closer Look at the Mobility of Art Professionals. CCA Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, 2011, bls.16.

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