Quarantine Drawings

Throughout the history of Skaftfell visitors to the bistro have been invited to record their thoughts and ideas through drawings, paintings and writings on stacks of A4 paper. Once a year all these “bistro drawings” are collected and bound into a book. 

As we are in an unusual moment of isolation and restricted movement, Skaftfell invites you to create with us a collective book of “quarantine drawings”. We would like to assemble a record of your thoughts, feelings, and creative responses during this time of uncertainty, and invite you to express these on a sheet of A4 paper and submit them to Skaftfell. When the restrictions are lifted we hope to mount a short exhibition of all submitted drawings, writings etc. After that they will be bound into a book as a permanent record of this moment of collective pause. The book will remain in the Skaftfell library, located in the bistro.

Everyone in Seyðisfjörður and beyond is invited to participate. Drawings, writings, etc must be on A4 paper. A collection box for the drawings will be placed in Kjörbúðin Seyðisfirði. They can also be mailed to us at Skaftfell, Austurvegur 42, Seyðisförður 710, Iceland. 

The collection will go on as long as the current restrictions are in place (at least until 4th May 2020).