(Matter)  Kirsty Palmer in the West Wall gallery

Skaftfell’s current artist in residence Kirsty Palmer (UK) is showing a selection of her newest work in the West Wall gallery in Skaftfell’s bistro, beginning on 5th May 2020.

(Matter) is a group of new works developed during Kirsty’s residency at Skaftfell from February to May 2020.?Responding to existing concerns within her practice, the work explores image-making as an evolving medium in her predominantly sculptural and site-specific practice.

Kirsty Palmer lives and works in Glasgow. Her practice is often driven by formal concerns; materials, their changing states and the making process itself. She is interested in the phenomenological potential of materiality, archaeology and landscape as a site of memorial. Her work often presents as a site-specific archipelago of surfaces, forms and images and can itself be seen to form a memorial of sorts; a dedication to a particular physical space, image or process.

Kirsty graduated from the MFA programme at The Glasgow School of Art in 2014, and with BA (Hons) in 2010. Recent exhibitions include LANDING, Glasgow Project Room, Glasgow (2019); Of A Mountain/ Af fjalli, Br??raborg, ?safj?r?ur?(2018); Flock & Fold, S?M, Reykjavik (2018); I S L A N D S, Patriothall Gallery, Edinburgh (2017).

Kirstys residency at Skaftfell is supported by Creative Scotland Open Project Funding.

Due to COVID-19 the bistro (and the West Wall gallery) is currently open on weekdays 12:00-13:00 and 18:00-20:00, and on the weekends from 18:00-21:00.