

TWIN CITY: opin vinnustofa og listmannaspjall #10

? B?kab??inni  verkefnar?mi munu gestalistamenn Skaftfells ? september, Asle Lauvland Pettersen og Ditte Knus T?nnesen, vinna a? verkefninu Twin City. Opin vinnustofa: – mi?vikudag?til laugardag, 19. – 22. sept, kl. 13-16. – mi?vikudag, 26. sept, kl. 13 og frameftir.…


On Wednesday September 5, at 17.00 oclock, the sound sculpture Tvisongur will be opened for the public on a mountainside above the town of Seydisfjordur, East Iceland. The sculpture is the work of the German artist Lukas K?hne. Tvisongur is…



Mi?vikudaginn 5. september 2012 ver?ur ?tilistaverki??Tv?s?ngur?opna? almenningi ? ??funum ofan vi? Sey?isfjar?arkaupsta?. Verki? er hlj??sk?lpt?r eftir ??ska listamanninn Lukas K?hne. Byggingarefni?Tv?s?ngs?er j?rnbundin steinsteypa. ?a? samanstendur af fimm sambygg?um hvelfingum af mismunandi st?r?um. H?? hvelfinganna er tveir til fj?rir metrar og…


10.  31. ?g?st 2012 Her?ubrei? /?Reaction Intermediate Opnun og kynning ? hlj??verkinu eftir Jens Reichert ver?ur f?studaginn 10. ?g?st kl. 15:30. Hugmyndin a? hlj??verkinu Trying to teach Icelandic while living in Germany kvikna?i ?ri? 2010 ?egar Jens dvaldi ?…

Extract of the Complete Works

August 23 – September 20, 2012 Roger Döring, from Berlin, will open two exhibitions in Seyðisfjörður in August. He will present a selection of his drawings at the West Wall Gallery – Skaftfell, “Extract of the Complete Works – no.…

Extract of the Complete Works

23. ?g?st – 20. september 2012 Vesturveggur /?Reaction Intermediate Roger D?ring mun opna tv?r s?ningar samt?mis ? Sey?isfir?i n?stkomandi fimmtudag. ? Vesturveggnum opnar s?ningin “Extract of the Complete Works – no. 1” ?en ? Hof stud?? og galler? opnar “Extract…

Stuttar eistneskar hreyfimyndir

Sunnudaginn 19. ?g?st kl. 15:00-16:00, a?alsalur. Skaftell og eistnesku kvikmyndager?armennirnir Heilika & ?lo Pikkov bj??a upp ? eftirmi?dag stuttra eistneskra hreyfimynda, fyrir b?rn ? ?llum aldri. Poppkorn fyrir alla og engin a?gangseyrir. Dagskr?: CARROT / 2003 / 7 / Nukufilm…

Short Estonian Animations for Kids

Sunday the 19th of August from 15:00-16:00, Skaftfell and the Estonian filmmakers Heilika & Ülo Pikkov  invites for an afternoon screening of short Estonian animations for kids of all ages. Popcorn and entrance is free ! Lineup of films : CARROT…

Opening and events – friday at 15.30

Friday, August 10. Skaftfell Main Gallery / Herðubreið / the old harbour – Bjölfsbakki Jens Reichert – at 15.30 German artist Jens Reichert presents his work and his newest piece, publicly installed audio work Trying to teach Icelandic while living…