
Artist talk

Skaftfell invites you to an artist talk with Skaftfell’s current artists in residence, Wednesday March 12 at 7 pm at the Skaftfell bistro. Abigail Severance, Gregory Thomas, Nicole Cecilie Bitsch…

Advent open house

December 7th, Skaftfell gallery from 15-17.00 Join us at Skaftfell Gallery to celebrate the Christmas season and a chance to make your own Christmas card. We’ll have a selection of…

„Trunt, trunt, tröll og allar aðrar landsins vættir“

Nú stendur yfir listfræðsluverkefnið “Trunt, trunt, tröll og allar aðrar landsins vættir” og hefur verkefnið nú þegar heimsótt 6 skóla: Brúarársskóla, Grunnskóla Fáskrúðsfjarðar, Egilsstaðaskóla, Nesskóla, Fellaskóla og Grunnskóla Borgarfjarðar eystra.…

The Narrative Collection 2011-2012

The Narrative Collection was a project initiated by the Swiss artist Chrisoph B?chel, who from 2011-2012 served as Artistic Director of Skaftfell. Over the same two-year period, Skaftfell collected narratives…

Frontiers in Retreat, 2013-2018

Frontiers in Retreat is a five-year collaboration project that fosters multidisciplinary dialogue on ecological questions within a European network formed around artist residencies. The project sets out to examine processes of…