Artist’s talk

Örn Alexander Ámundason  | Titill á sýningu

Titill á sýninguÖrn Alexander Ámundason5. október – 2. nóvember Leiðsagnir með listamanninum verða dagana 25. – 27. október. Nánari tímasetningar verða auglýstar síðar. Þessi sýning er ekki með neina fagurfræði,…

Artist talk: Jan Krtička and Nicola Turner

We warmly invite you to a presentation of work and sharing of thoughts by our two current residency artists.  Thursday, November 10, 19:00 – 20:30. Skaftfell, top floor. Sound and…

Pétur Kristjánsson – Tinkering ideas

Opening June 17, 16:00-18:00, in the Skaftfell gallery On view until September 5, 2021. Open Tue-Sun from 13:00-17:00. Closed on Mondays. Guided tour and artist talk on June 19, 15:00-16:00…

Artist Talk – Anna Vaivare

Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 17:00 – 18:00, Herðubreið. “Buildings, comics and children’s books – an unintentional way to become an artist.” In our first artist talk of the year, current…

Þór Vigfússon

Opening February 12, 18:00-20:00, Skaftfell gallery. Artist talk February 13, 14:00 (in Icelandic) Guided tour in English Mars 18, 17:00 The exhibition is on view until April 25, 2021. Open Mon-Fri…

A place to be – Gudrun Westerlund

Current artist in residence Gudrun Westerlund (SE) introduces her latest work through a pop-up exhibition and video artist talk, set in Skaftfell’s gallery, which is closed at the moment due to…