Past artists in residence

Parallel Line Up in Brei?dalssetur

In her current project ‘Parallel Line Up’ Berlin-based artist Jenny Brockmann investigates environment, its dynamics and how poeple interact with it. She researches volcanic and geological processes that contain either…


On August 13th. at 17:00 Swedish sisters Gerd Aurell, visual artist, and Karin Aurell, musician, will present new collaborative work; the audiovisual performance Stigi, at the Bookshop – projectspace. All…

Artist talk #23

Tuesday August 4th. Skaftfell invites for an artist talk and conversation at the Skaftfell Hub ( top floor of Skaftfell) where the artists Gerd Aurell, Jenny Brockmann, Richard Merrill Hoglund,…

Island Iceland offshore projekt

the Bookshop-Projectspace Opening Wednesday August 26 at 17.00 We, a group of 15 artists, fashion designers, writers and musicians were lucky to call Nielsenshs in Sey?isfj?r?ur our temporal home over…

Artists-in-residence at Skaftfell in May

David Edward Allen (UK) lives in Berlin. His work revolves around a broadened notion of Landscape and our position as part of it. Using, for example, natural phenomena such as…

Artist talk #22

This Thursday May 7th. it will be possible to get introduced to current and newly arrived artists in residence;?Francesco Bertele, Reza Rezai,?David Edward Allen?and?Halina Kliem?whom will talk about selected works…


Friday  Sunday, 27- 29th. of March, at the Bookshop  Projectspace. The exhibition?PRESENTATION?shows the result of the artists two months residency in Sey?isfj?r?ur. Welcome at the opening Friday the…

Call for artists for a shared residency

Due to cancellation the Skaftfell Residency Program now has an opening this coming April and May for artists to apply and come with short notice ! The residency available is…