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Artist Talk #26

Join us when current artists-in-residence Faith La Rocque, Leander Djønne and Valérie Bourquin, will present their work and practice Thursday March 31 at 20.00 in Herðubreið Community Center. Norwegian artists Leander Djønne, staying courtesy of the Nordic Culture Point, will screen selected videos. The talk will be be in English and take approx 90 min. Bio Faith La Rocque is a visual artist living in Toronto, Canada and exhibiting internationally. Her work examines aspects of human experience through the use of alternative health therapies as both material and subject matter. Recent solo exhibitions include Medium, Sister, New York (2015), chisel to carve light thoughts at […]

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Online broadcast from Romania

Icelandic artists Ásdís Sif Gunnarssdóttir is currently participating in the Romanian Icelandic collaboration project entitled Artists as Agents of Institutional Exchange. As a part of the project she will stream live via a online platform. Gunnarssdóttir studied video and performance arts in New York and Los Angeles and has made a number of large-scale installations and performances, poetry and photographic works. Among her recent works are The Blue Mountain made for ephemeropter 2013. In it the artist transferred herself to Los Angeles and laid her self to sleep lost in a space with no beginning and no end and a […]

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