West Wall: Zuhaitz Akizu – Strange Arrangements

Zuhaitz Akizu: Strange Arrangements
Strange Arrangements are pieces from the personal collection and archive of Zuhaitz Akizu. As a practice, Zuhaitz collects, transforms, and reassembles objects and materials that fascinate him. Some pieces might take shape in seconds, though they may have been brewing for a long time. Conversely, some objects have taken numerous years to reach a point where they may not evolve further. However, the idea or concept behind these aesthetic fascinations will continue to develop as Zuhaitz pursues new approaches.
Zuhaitz finds humor in unusual places where the process is neither linear nor predictable. Like an archaeologist uncovering hidden treasures, these often everyday objects and materials were always there, but it takes a curious eye to spot them. In these new arrangements, they take on new forms.

The exhibition Strange Arrangements on the West Wall of Skaftfell seeks to spark curiosity, inspire ideas, and offer a different way of viewing something with fascination.

Zuhaitz Akizu is from the Basque Country, where he was raised on an organic farm with a sourdough bakery. He studied history and archeology, and having worked in several Basque museums, travelled to Iceland in 2010 to investigate the history of Basque whalers in Iceland. He subsequently settled in Seyðisfjörður and since then, he has attended lungA school and worked with Skálanes Nature reserve and the Technical Museum of East Iceland. Together with his partner, he founded Ströndin Studio, an organization dedicated to research and education in the field of photography. He is currently studying jewelry making in Montréal.