Netútsending frá Rúmeníu

Í byrjun árs dvaldi Ásdís Sif Gunnarsdóttir hjá, í Rúmeníu, sem fulltrúi í íslenska og rúmenska samstarfsverkefninu Artists as Agents of Institutional Exchange. Á meðan dvöl hennar stóð streymdi hún í gegnum netið m.a. í þeim tilgangi að rannsaka mörk gestavinnustofa. Hægt er að skoða innslög eftir Ásdísi á vefsíðu verkefnisins.

Ásdís Sif nam vídeó- og gjörningalist í New York og Los Angeles og hefur gert töluvert af umfangsmiklum innsetningum og gjörningum, ásamt ljóðum og ljósmyndum. Með nýrri verkum má nefna „Bláa fjallið” sem var unnið fyrir „ephemeropteræ 2013”. Þá yfirfærði listakonan sjálfa sig til Los Angeles og lagðist til svefns “lost in a space with no beginning and no end”. Ásdís hefur verið virk í sýningarhaldi undanfarið og hefur m.a. nýlega unnið yfirgripsmikla einkasýningu í Listasafni Reykjavíkur. Sumarið 2013 gaf hún út ljóðahljómplötuna „Enter the Enlightenment, Become Real” sem inniheldur frumsamin ljóð Ásdísar, ort á undanförnum árum.

Nánar um verkefnið

Artists as Agents of Institutional Exchange is a 2015 joint initiative of Iasi and Skaftfell, Seydisfjordur, Iceland, that is materialised into a unique live streaming platform dedicated to the use of its artists in residence: Cristina DAVID and Ásdís Sif GUNNARSDÓTTIR. As practitioners, we often witness or create a result of artistic research that is mostly based on past, hidden, personal processes, on archaeological praxis, but we never allow ourselves the freedom to go live into the void of online audience and perform a video or carry out research together with our audience. Through this project, a term deemed to live forever in the past, the footage (a film that has been shot) will thus be experienced live, instantly, by the contemporary artist and the contemporary online witness. Platforms for live streaming are already the new institutional media in various instances, but this project is doing more than transmitting the result. Its function is to offer to our two artists in residence a new tool for live footage. It is about transforming this communication medium into a medium of artistic production, where the artist will have full control and responsibility for engaging a larger audience into a personal research process. With this we hope to further expand the notion of what an artist residency can be, by closely examining two institutional experiences from both the artists’ and the producers’ perspective. The new method for embarking on such a process is to empower the artist as an internal agent.


tranzit_place was founded in 2012 at the initiative of ERSTE Foundation, becoming thus the fifth member of, a network of independent, non-profit organisations in Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary and the Slovak Republic. has the particularity of being itself a network, activating in three permanent spaces in the cities of Iasi, Cluj and Bucharest. Rather than illustrating curatorial concepts, Iași searches long term involvement with art projects or artists that may initiate public interventions and influence the mental or social constructions that surround us. Iași is a curated institution whose mechanics is softly determined by a local context within an international constellation.

Artists as Agents of Institutional Exchange er samstarfsverkefni í Rúmeníu og Skaftfells – myndlistarmiðstöð Austurlands. Verkefnið er fjármagnað með styrk í gegnum uppbyggingarsjóð EES frá Íslandi, Liechtenstein og Noregi og Menningarmálaráðuneyti Rúmeníu.